November 18, 2007

An opening post, as usual

My name is Igor, I'm from Brazil and I'm an enthusiast of Heavy Metal in general and NWOBHM in particular. I was always deeply interested in collecting material concerning the british HM bands from the early 80s, and to learn as much as possible about their music, history and releases. In the event, I gathered a lot of information, and started to write some articles about it, only for a personal satisfaction. As time went on, however, I started to take it a little bit more seriously.

I've been considering the idea of creating a NWOBHM blog since at least 2005, but only this year I decided to take the whole thing off the ground and finally make it happen. The first try was at early January, on Blogger, but it didn't worked as planned and I created a new account for it on Wordpress. I managed to include a few biographies and news, but I was extremely busy with activities concerning my job and my graduation, so I kind of left the blog behind for a while. Now I think it's time to try again - with a major improvement: I'll no longer use my native Portuguese on the articles, and now all posts will be in English. I think it is a natural way to choose, as most people interested on this kind of information weren't able to understand what I was saying - and I apologize for any mistakes, as I'm not accostumed to write such large texts in English. Any possible corrections will be greatly appreciated, by the way.

And there you go. NWOBHM LIVES! will be a space for info regarding the music scene who took place in United Kingdom at the first half of the 80s, and we will present biographies, interviews, reviews and all sorts of articles related to this musical heritage. I'll try to keep the posts coming in a regular basis, but small periods of inactivity may occur every now and then. No links for download will be available here - if that's what you're looking for, you may enjoy some of the blog links at the left side of the page. And I'll be sure happy to receive any feedback from you people - let us know if the posts are being good enough or if can be improved somehow, and give us hints on what you would want to see around here. Any kind of info would be enthusiastically welcome as well.

That's it for now. Have fun, and keep it loud and proud as it always must be. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Igor - Great idea for a blog, welcome to the community of Metal blogging. I am also a big fan of NWOBHM and 70s/80s Metal so I will be a regular visitor.

I will also link you at my site and I will put up a post introducing your blog.

Heavy Metal Addiction

Igor Natusch said...

Million thanks for the great welcome, Steve. It will be very kind of you linking this humble blog on Heavy Metal Addiction. You're always welcome here, my friend. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Louisa A'r Rocyrs also released an album on cassette only on Sain Records.

The Maffia album "Da nim.." is from 1984.

I have both